
My dotfiles based on Catppuccin theme for hyprland.


Without windows Audio Text Nvim

Theme and functional

wallpapers - wallpapers.
Hyprland - wayland compositor.
Waybar - bar.
swaylcok-effects - screenlocker.
swayidle - idle management daemon.
wofi - app launcher.
libnotify - desktop notifications.
mako - notifications daemon.
foot - terminal emulator.
fish - shell.
grim - screenshots.
slurp - select region for screenshot.
playerctl - mpris controller.
light - backlights manager.
swww - wallpaper manager.
neofetch - fetch.

Fonts and icons

JetBrains Mono - main font.
Hack - terminal font.
Papirus Icons - icons.


mpv - video player.
imv - image viewer.
lf - file manager.
bat - improved cat command.
btop - a monitor of resources.
cava - audio visualizer.
NvChad - neovim config.
sddm - desktop manager.
trash-cli - trash manager.
libsixel - sixel graphics.
imagemagick - display images in lf and neofetch.
cptv-git - image preview for lf.
chafa - graphics in terminal.
atool - archives managing.
jq - command line JSON processor for lf.
poppler - pdf rendering for lf.
glow - render markdown for lf.
dragon-drop - drag and drop for lf.
fd - program to find entries in your filesystem.

The rest of the applications I use through a flatpack.
How you can apply GTK and QT themes to flatpack can be found here.

Useful shortcuts

SUPER+ENTER - foot term.
SUPER+SHIFT+ENTER - fullscreen foot term.
SUPER+t - float foot term.
SUPER+q - kill window.
SUPER+f - float windows.
SUPER+SHIFT+F - fullscreen window.
SUPER+SPACE - open wofi menu.
SUPER+w - wallpapers.
SUPER+h\j\k\l\arrows - move focus.
SUPER+SHIFT+h\j\k\l\arrows - move window.
SUPER+[1-0] - move through workspaces.
SUPER+CTRL+[1-0] - move window to workspace.
SUPER+g - group windows.
SUPER+TAB - toggle gorup.
SUPER+z - move trough workspaces.
SUPER+x - move trough workspaces.

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