ApElsin Bay




На данный момент существуют две ветки билда.

  • Main - Стабильный и проверенный код из Dev, используется на сервере.
  • Dev - Самые последние изменения и добавления в этой ветке, нестабильный код и всякое такое, изменения делают сюда.


First-time installation should be fairly straightforward. First, you’ll need BYOND installed. You can get it from here.

This is a sourcecode-only release, so the next step is to compile the server files. Open apelsinbay.dme by double-clicking it, open the Build menu, and click compile. This’ll take a little while, and if everything’s done right you’ll get a message like this:

saving apelsinbay.dmb (DEBUG mode)

apelsinbay.dmb - 0 errors, 0 warnings

If you see any errors or warnings, something has gone wrong - possibly a corrupt download or the files extracted wrong, or a code issue on the main repo. Ask on IRC.

To use the SQLite preferences, rename players2_empty.sqlite to players2.sqlite

Next, copy everything from config-example/ to config/ so you have some default configuration.

Once that’s done, open up the config folder. You’ll want to edit config.txt to set the probabilities for different gamemodes in Secret and to set your server location so that all your players don’t get disconnected at the end of each round. It’s recommended you don’t turn on the gamemodes with probability 0, as they have various issues and aren’t currently being tested, so they may have unknown and bizarre bugs.

You’ll also want to edit admins.txt to remove the default admins and add your own. “Host” is the highest level of access, and the other recommended admin levels for now are “Game Master”, “Game Admin” and “Moderator”. The format is:

byondnickname - Rank

where the BYOND key must be in lowercase and the admin rank must be properly capitalized. There are a bunch more admin ranks, but these two should be enough for most servers, assuming you have trustworthy admins.

Finally, to start the server, run Dream Daemon and enter the path to your compiled apelsinbay.dmb file. Make sure to set the port to the one you specified in the config.txt, and set the Security box to ‘Trusted’. Then press GO and the server should start up and be ready to join.

SQL Setup

The SQL backend for the library and stats tracking requires a MySQL server. (Linux servers will need to put into the same directory as vgstation13.dme.) Your server details go in /config/dbconfig.txt.

The database is automatically installed during server startup, but you need to ensure the database and user are present and have necessary permissions.

IRC Bot Setup

Included in the repo is an IRC bot capable of relaying adminhelps to a specified IRC channel/server (replaces the older one by Skibiliano). Instructions for bot setup are included in the /bot/ folder along with the bot/relay script itself.


Весь код залицензирован под GNU GPL v3.0.

TGUI залицензирован под MIT.

Goonchat залицензирован под CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Ассеты, включающие спрайты и звуки залицензированы под CC BY-SA 3.0, но не все.


Epic Russian poopdark ss13 server baZed on /VG/ Station.

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