ANYKS - convert utility (ACU) C++
Format compatibility
XML | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
JSON | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
YAML | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
INI | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
CSV | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No |
CEF | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
SYSLOG | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
To build and launch the project
To clone the project
$ git clone --recursive
Activate SCTP only (FreeBSD / Linux)
$ sudo kldload sctp
Linux (Ubuntu)
$ sudo apt install libsctp-dev
$ sudo modprobe sctp
$ sudo sysctl -w net.sctp.auth_enable=1
Build third party for MacOS X, Linux and FreeBSD
$ ./
Build on MacOS X, Linux and FreeBSD
$ mkdir ./build
$ cd ./build
$ cmake \
$ make
Build on Windows [MSYS2 MinGW]
Development environment configuration
Assembly is done in MSYS2 - MINGW64 terminal
$ pacman -Syuu
$ pacman -Ss cmake
$ pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake
$ pacman -S make
$ pacman -S curl
$ pacman -S wget
$ pacman -S mc
$ pacman -S gdb
$ pacman -S bash
$ pacman -S clang
$ pacman -S git
$ pacman -S autoconf
$ pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-dlfcn
Build third party for MS Windows
$ ./
Project build
$ mkdir ./build
$ cd ./build
$ cmake \
-G "MSYS Makefiles" \
$ cmake --build .
Example convert text to Base64
$ echo 'Hello World!!!' | acu -from text -to base64
Example convert Base64 to text
$ echo 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhISE=' | acu -from base64 -to text
Example convert text to MD5
$ echo 'Hello World!!!' | acu -from text -to MD5
Example convert text to HMAC SHA256
$ echo 'Hello World!!!' | acu -from text -to SHA256 -hmac 236bf30c70dc03f69175f030afbe38f3
Example convert JSON to XML
$ echo '{"Hello": "World!!!"}' | acu -from json -to xml -prettify
Example convert JSON to XML from file
$ acu -from json -to xml -src ./example.json -prettify
$ acu -from json -to xml -src ./example.json -dest ./result -prettify
Example convert CSV to XML from file
$ acu -from csv -to xml -src ./example.csv -header -prettify
$ acu -from csv -to xml -src ./example.csv -dest ./result -header -prettify
Example convert JSON to CSV from file
$ acu -from json -to csv -src ./example.json -delim ","
$ acu -from json -to csv -src ./example.json -dest ./result -delim ","
Example convert CEF to XML from file
$ acu -from cef -to xml -src ./example.txt -cef low -prettify
$ acu -from cef -to xml -src ./example.txt -dest ./result -cef low -prettify
Example convert GROK to XML without patterns from file
$ acu -from grok -to xml -src ./example.txt -express ./express.txt -prettify
$ acu -from grok -to xml -src ./example.txt -express ./express.txt -dest ./result -prettify
Example convert GROK to XML with patterns from file
$ acu -from grok -to xml -src ./example.txt -express ./express.txt -patterns ./patterns.json -prettify
$ acu -from grok -to xml -src ./example.txt -express ./express.txt -patterns ./patterns.json -dest ./result -prettify
Example convert JSON to XML from folder
$ acu -from json -to xml -src ./input -dest ./result -prettify
Creating installation packages
Creating a tar.gz archive
$ ./
Creating a deb package
$ ./
Creating an rpm package
$ ./
Creating an Installation Package for MacOS X
$ ./
Installation package will be located in the directory ./package/MacOS/target/pkg
Create exe package
$ ./
To create an installation package, you need to open the install.iss file from the win directory in the application Inno Setup
Installation from the installation package
Installation from tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf ./acu_1.0.0_MacOSX_arm64.tar.gz -C /
Installation from deb package
$ sudo dpkg -i ./acu_1.0.0-1~buster_amd64.deb
Installation from rpm package
$ sudo rpm -i ./acu-1.0.0-1.amd64.rpm
Basic launch parameters
Getting the version application
$ acu -V
## Result:
# ANYKS - conversion utility 1.0.4 (built: Oct 31 2024 21:22:56)
# awh: 4.2.6
# target: MacOS X
# installed dir: /opt/acu/bin
# *
# * site:
# * email:
# * telegram: @forman
# *
There are several ways to get the version of an application, the short version is “-V” or the full version is “–version”.
Getting reference information
$ acu -H
## Result:
# usage: acu [-V | --version] [-H | --info] [<args>]
# + Flag for generating headers when parsing CSV files: [-header | --header]
# + Flag for generating a readable file format (XML or JSON): [-prettify | --prettify]
# + Display application version: [-version | --version | -V]
# + Display information about available application functions: [-info | --info | -H]
# [ARGS]
# + CEF file parsing mode: [-cef <value> | --cef=<value>]
# + Format of the file from which reading is performed: [-from <value> | --from=<value>]
# + File format to which the writing is made: [-to <value> | --to=<value>]
# - (XML | JSON | INI | YAML | CSV | CEF | SYSLOG | TEXT | BASE64 | MD5 | SHA1 | SHA224 | SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512)
# + Format date (if required): [-formatDate "<value>" | --formatDate="<value>"]
# - ( %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S | %H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y | ... )
# + Logging level (if required): [-logLevel <value> | --logLevel=<value>]
# - ( 0 = NONE | 1 = INFO | 2 = WARNING | 3 = CRITICAL | 4 = INFO and WARNING | 5 = INFO and CRITICAL | 6 = WARNING CRITICAL | 7 = ALL)
# + Hash-based message authentication code: [-hmac <value> | --hmac=<value>]
# + File address for writing logs (if required): [-log <value> | --log=<value>]
# + File or directory address for saving converted files: [-dest <value> | --dest=<value>]
# + Separator for parsing CSV files (default: ";"): [-delim <value> | --delim=<value>]
# + Address of the file or directory with files to convert: [-src <value> | --src=<value>]
# + Address of the file in JSON format with GROK templates: [-patterns <value> | --patterns=<value>]
# + Address of the file with the regular expression in GROK format: [-express <value> | --express=<value>]
There are several ways to get help information, the short version is “-H” or the full version is “–info”.
General concepts
It should be explained in advance that the launch parameters can be specified in any order; there is a full and short form for setting the launch parameters.
- Full form: –=
Short form: -
For example, the entries –config=config.json and -config config.json are equivalent.
To simplify work with ACU Server, there is a configuration file in JSON format, all startup parameters can be specified in this configuration file. By default, each operating system has its own set of paths by which ACU Server searches for the configuration file. The path by which ACU Server will search for the configuration file is specified in the [PATHS] section of the reference information. The address of the configuration file can be specified independently using the config parameter.
For UNIX-like operating systems, parameters can be specified using environment variables with the ACU_ prefix.
Description of the ACU Server configuration file
Configuration file example
"ssl": {
"key": "",
"cert": "",
"verify": false
"net": {
"ipv": 4,
"wait": 15,
"sonet": "tcp",
"host": "",
"port": 2222,
"proto": "http2",
"unixSocket": "",
"total": 100,
"ipv6": false,
"filter": {
"type": "mac",
"black": [],
"white": []
"compress": [
"authentication": {
"enabled": false,
"auth": "Basic",
"digest": "MD5",
"users": {"admin": "admin"}
"bandwidth": {
"read": "20Mbps",
"write": "20Mbps"
"workers": 0,
"user": "auto",
"group": "auto",
"boost": true,
"maxRequests": 600,
"root": "./html",
"log": "./acu.log",
"pidfile": "",
"index": "index.html",
"favicon": "./icons/icon.ico",
"origin": "",
"formatDate": "%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y"
Description of configuration file parameters
Parameter name | Parameter Description |
ssl | Object of parameters for secure network SSL connection to network services. |
ssl.verify | Parameter for activating the SSL certificate validity check mode. |
ssl.key | Key of the certificate file in the file system, for working in secure server mode. |
ssl.cert | Certificate file in the file system, for working in secure server mode. |
server | Server parameters |
server.ipv | Supported Internet Protocol Type IPv4 or IPv6. |
server.wait | Time to wait for data to be received from the client in seconds. |
server.sone | Internet connection protocol (TCP, TLS, SCTP). | | Server host through which the connection is made. |
server.port | Server port through which the connection is made. |
server.proto | Default server application protocol (http or http2). |
server.unixSocket | Name of the Unix socket in the file system, through which the connection to the server will be made. The Unix socket will be located in the /tmp directory. | | Number of clients simultaneously connected to one server. |
server.ipv6 | Perform server communication only via IPv6. |
server.filter | An object that filters the list of clients connecting to the server. |
server.filter.type | Filter clients by MAC or IP address. | | List of clients that are prohibited from connecting to the server. |
server.filter.white | List of clients that are only allowed to connect to the server. |
server.compres | List of compressors supported by the server, in priority order (ZSTD, BROTLI, GZIP, DEFLATE, LZ4, LZMA, BZIP2). |
server.authentication | Server authorization parameters object. |
server.authentication.enabled | Parameter for activating the authorization mode on the server. |
server.authentication.auth | Server authorization method Basic or Digest. |
server.authentication.digest | Hash type for the Digest authentication method (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512). |
server.authentication.username | Username for authorization on the server. |
server.authentication.password | User password for authorization on the server. |
server.bandwidth | Object of network connection speed limit parameters for the server. | | Maximum data transfer rate in read mode. |
server.bandwidth.write | Maximum data transfer rate in recording mode. |
workers | Number of cluster processes, if the value is not set or set to -1, the cluster will not be activated. Set to 0, the cluster will automatically create the number of processes for your machine. |
user | Name or user ID under which the application should be launched. The “auto” parameter sets the current user. |
group | Name or identifier of the user group under which the application should be launched. The “auto” parameter sets the current user group. |
boost | Flag for activating reconfiguration of the operating system kernel for maximum network protocol performance. |
maxRequests | Maximum number of requests to the server per day available to one specific user. |
root | Catalog with the site location in HTML format. |
log | Address of the log file where the processes occurring on the server will be recorded. |
pidfile | Name of the PID file located in the /var/run directory to record the identifier of the active process in a unix-like operating system. |
index | An index HTML file that is opened by default by the server when a client’s root request occurs. |
favicon | Address to the site icon file. |
origin | Website address that the client must send to the server in the Origin HTTP header. |
formatDate | Format of the date and time displayed when logging processes on the server. |