Commands and options are completed word as follows:
ADD : Add task. You can enter directly the task following the format as defined before, or the program will ask the fields to you.
EDIT task-number : Edit task. Changes one or more fields of a task.
KILL task-number : Kill (delete) task.
DONE task-number : Set task as done.
PENDING task-number : Set task as pending.
SORT PRIORITY | DATE : Sort tasks by Priority or by Date.
FILTER : Set filters for Print option. If OFF option was not entered, the program will ask to you the fields values to filter.
PACK : Kill all done tasks.
PRINT : Print tasks on screen.
SAVE : Save taks on disk.
HELP : Help summary.
QUIT : End program.
Items between {} are optional.
New place of repository: https://codeberg.org/Alexander2024/todo
ToDo для GNU/Linux. Переписан на Паскале из todo для CP/M.