
Vim-like UI engine.


GHCup makes it easy to install specific versions of GHC on GNU/Linux, macOS (aka Darwin), FreeBSD and Windows and can also bootstrap a fresh Haskell developer environment from scratch.

How to install

The installation of prerequisites is shown for Linux.

The following commands will download the ghcup binary into ~/.ghcup/bin and then run it to interactively install the Haskell Toolchain . These commands should be run as non-root/non-admin user.

Run this in a terminal:

    $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Which versions get installed?

GHCup has two main channels for every tool: recommended and latest. By default, it installs recommended.

latest follows the latest release of every tool, while recommended is at the discretion of the GHCup maintainers and based on community adoption (hackage libraries, tools like HLS, stackage support, etc.) and known bugs.

Next steps


On Linux, just run ghcup nuke, then make sure any ghcup added lines in your ~/.bashrc (or similar) are removed.


  • If needed, remove the project Stack working directories (.stack-work by default) to remove all compilation artifacts
    $ cd /path/to/e88
    $ stack purge
  • Update the package index
    $ stack update
  • Get the appropriate GHC for your project
    $ stack setup
  • Build the package(s) in this directory/configuration
    $ stack build


Run executables

There are three common ways:

  1. stack exec e88-exe tui will modify your PATH variable to include a number of additional directories, including the internal executable destination, and your build tools (like ghc).

  2. $(stack exec which e88-exe) tui will use the which command to find the full path to your executable, which you could then run, without the additional modifications that stack exec implies.

  3. The stack install (shortcut for build --copy-bins) command will copy your executables into a user-specific directory, such as $HOME/.local/bin on POSIX systems. The directory will be printed to your console.

--local-bin-path DIR - override the target directory for stack build --copy-bins and stack install. DIR can be an absolute path or one relative to the current directory.

    $ stack install e88 --local-bin-path /path/to/e88
    $ cd /path/to/e88
    $ ./e88-exe tui

e88 API:

Commands that the command line interface (aka cli) supports:


:quit or :q - to exit.
:clear or :cl - clear workarea.
:intro - e88’s startscreen.


:connect game or :c game - connect to GAME mode.
:connect test or :c test - connect to TEST mode.
:connect battle or :c battle - connect to BATTLE mode.
:disconnect or :disc - return to NORMAL mode.

Custom startscreen:

:startscreen sailboat or :sta sailboat

The cli command consists of: :cmd [opt [arg]], which are separated by spaces. It can also be used camelCase or СamelСase when the commands are written without spaces and with capitalized words. Basic cli commands may have shorter equivalents for convenience. For example, the command :quit has a shorter equivalent :q.


Interested in contributing? Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


e88 was created by Denis Khorkin. It is licensed under the terms of the BSD3 license.


  • Denis Khorkin
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