Test data generator for Ziiot platform by OPC UA interface or REST API

simulator of 3d printer and setting parameters at OPC UA and rest api

docker and kubernetes ready

parameters exported by REST (https://YOUR_SERVER/datagen/opc-server-3dpr/getdatajson):

parameter description
x_home_state is x axis home
y_home_state is y axis home
z_home_state is z axis home
homing is printer going home
working is printer working
coordinates array of current printer coordinates
line_work current file line
filename current working file
working_line_num line number of working file
bed_temp temp of printer bed
e0_temp temp of extruder tool head
extruder coordinate of extuder (how much mm of plastic has been exruded)

docker image url:

things for nifi for working on ziiot platform:

template README
nifi processor template 3dp_test_gen_template_rest.xml
nifi processor group try_to_get_my_rest.json

nifi opc ua processors(this repo has prebuilt ver nifi-libs):


screen1 screen2 screen3


test data geneartor for ziiot platform (NodeJS, Vue)

0 успешных
0 с ошибкой