
Исходный код

Twig код

<input name="{{name}}" {% if data_id is defined and data_id %}data-id="{{ data_id }}"{% endif %} {% if sort is defined and sort %}data-sort="{{ sort }}"{% endif %} class="{{class_name}} {% if not styled_input %}text-input{% endif %}" {% if id %}id="{{id}}"{% endif %} type="{% if type %}{{type}}{% else %}text{% endif %}" value="{{ value is null ? "" : value }}" {# attr placeholder обязательно должен существовать #} placeholder="{{ placeholder }}" {% if style is defined and style %}style="{% for prop, value in style %}{{prop}}:{{value}};{% endfor %}"{% endif %} {% if max_length is defined and max_length %}maxlength="{{ max_length }}"{% endif %} {% if min_length is defined and min_length %}minlength="{{ min_length }}"{% endif %} {% if required is defined and required %}required="{{ required }}"{% endif %} {% if disabled %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %} {% if autofocus %}autofocus="autofocus"{% endif %} {% if readonly %}readonly="readonly"{% endif %} {{additional_data|raw}} autocomplete="off" {% if autosize_width %}size="{{max(value|length, min_size)}}"{% endif %} {% if form %}form="{{ form }}"{% endif %} />
Ссылка на вики репозиторий