My Mass OBJs Exporter

###MEL SCRIPT for Autodesk Maya to export selected objects as separated *.obj files #####Author: Saprin Alexey Petrovich aka 0crash0

######Created: 02.03.2014 ######version: 0.1


  1. you must unzip myOBJsExp folder to

    • for Windows:%USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\<version>\scripts\ path looks like: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\<version>\scripts\myOBJsExp\myOBJsExp.mel %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\<version>\scripts\myOBJsExp\myOBJsExp.ui

    • for Linux: ~/maya/<version>/scripts/ path looks like: /home/<username>/maya/<version>/scripts/myOBJsExp/myOBJsExp.mel /home/<username>/maya/<version>/scripts/myOBJsExp/myOBJsExp.ui

    • for Mac:~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/scripts/ path looks like: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/scripts/myOBJsExp/myOBJsExp.mel /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/scripts/myOBJsExp/myOBJsExp.ui

  2. You can create button on the shelf:

    and add that mel script: source "myOBJsExp/myOBJsExp.mel"; myOBJsExp_UI();

  3. You have to enable objExport plugin:

  4. Done.

Select objects to export, run the script. Select destanation folder and press “Export All”

if some files are exist, you have to check the “Rewrite” box, or change object’s exporting name


script for Autodesk Maya

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