My Mass Ligts

###MEL SCRIPT for Autodesk Maya to manipulate couple of light source as one #####Author: Saprin Alexey Petrovich aka 0crash0

######Created: 19-20.10.2013 ######version: 1.02


  1. you must unzip myMAS_lights folder to C:\Users\Alex\Documents\maya\2014-x64\scripts

    • for Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\<version>\scripts\ path looks like: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\<version>\scripts\myMAS_lights\myMAS_lights.mel %USERPROFILE%\Documents\maya\<version>\scripts\myMAS_lights\myMAS_lights.ui

    • for Linux: ~/maya/<version>/scripts/ path looks like: /home/<username>/maya/<version>/scripts/myMAS_lights/myMAS_lights.mel /home/<username>/maya/<version>/scripts/myMAS_lights/myMAS_lights.ui

    • for Mac:~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/scripts/ path looks like: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/scripts/myMAS_lights/myMAS_lights.mel /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/scripts/myMAS_lights/myMAS_lights.ui

  2. You can create button on the shelf:

    and add that mel script: source "myMAS_lights/myMAS_lights.mel"; myMAS_lightsUI();

  3. Done.

Select light sources, run the script. List of selected lights that you can also deselect from list:

Light attributes, if you want to apply some of attributes, you have to check “apl” box near that attribute and then press “apply ALL” button


script for Autodesk Maya

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